Location FAQs–

Are dogs allowed?
Well-behaved pups are allowed outdoors. Pups are not allowed in Zach Studio. 

Where do I park?
Long Center: free parking along Riverside Drive and in the Auditorium Shores parking lot.
Zach Studio: free street parking.

What happens if it rains or there's an event?
Members are notified of any location change due to weather or events.

Training Program FAQs–

Relay Strength
Strength training using dumbbells and bodyweight. We add Agility or Cardio to maximize strength and overall cardiovascular
training. Low-impact modifications provided.

Relay Run
Run, walk or sprint training building endurance, lean muscle mass, and overall cardiovascular health. 

Relay Body
Low impact, no-running, bodyweight training with a focus on core, overall body strength, and stretching.

Can I choose any day I want?
Yes. Relay is your workout club, whether your focus is on strength or running or anywhere in between. Your Relay membership gives you access to any of our workouts.

I'm not fast, should I do the track workouts?
Yes. Track workouts are cardiovascular interval training. Some folks are sprinting, others might jog/walk. With different speed groups, the workout is designed to find your gears– and we work from there.

I have sensitive knees, will the agility or endurance training bother me?
We can modify anything. You can do low-impact movement and still gain the benefits of agility training. For endurance runs, walking is a great alternative, and you can follow the 'run' workout structure by varying your walking speed.

What happens if it rains or there is an event?
Members are notified of any location change due to weather or event.

Membership FAQs–

Can I upgrade/downgrade my membership?
Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade at any time. Select 'Member Portal' in the site menu to update your membership.

Can I pause my membership?
Yes, email jordan@relay.mov to pause your membership.

How do I cancel my membership?
You can cancel anytime. Access your 'Member Portal' in the site menu to cancel your membership.

Relay One FAQs–

Can I pause my Relay One subscription?
Yes, you can pause your subscription anytime via your Relay One account.

How do I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel anytime via your Relay One account.

How long are the workouts? Do I need equipment?
Workouts range from 30-45min using dumbbells and a mat. Some are body weight only, including the Relay Run workouts. Each workout lists needed equipment in the breakdown.